Part 1 of 3: WAC 220-440-080 (Killing wolves attacking domestic animals)

Summary of the proposed amendments and effects of changes if adopted

WDFW focuses on proactive use of non-lethal deterrents to minimize wolf-livestock conflict and considers lethal removal as a last resort when those tools have not mitigated conflict. Although WDFW promotes and encourages the use of non-lethal measures to deter wolf-livestock conflict through non-binding guidance, current law does not explicitly require implementation of non-lethal conflict deterrence measures appropriate for the conflict scenario prior to agency authorization of lethal removal of wolves. Proposed changes to WAC 220-440-080 would require that, to authorize lethal removal of wolves, the WDFW director (or WDFW staff designee) would need to confirm an owner of domestic animals has proactively implemented appropriate non-lethal conflict deterrence measures.

WDFW has a clear record of promoting, prioritizing, and funding non-lethal wolf-livestock conflict deterrence measures (more than 80% of the budget for wolf-livestock conflict is spent on non-lethal approaches). Proposed changes would align the code with the agency’s commitment to non-lethal conflict mitigation strategies.

Question title

Please provide any comments you may have on the proposed amendments to WAC 220-440-080.

Closed for Comments

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Please refer to the proposed rule making document: Wolf-livestock Conflict Deterrence CR-102

Please note:  All comments received by WDFW are part of the public record and will be available for public viewing - so please do not include private information in the text of your comments. Comments are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act, RCW 42.56.


These proposals are in response to a decision by Governor Jay Inslee in September 2020 to grant a petition for rule making directed to the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission relating to wolf management with the goal of instituting practices that will avoid the repeated loss of wolves and livestock in Washington. Accordingly, WDFW is proposing a new rule section WAC 220-440-260 and amendments to the current WAC 220-440-080.

Under the umbrella of the 2011 Wolf Conservation and Management Plan goals, the purpose of amending a rule and adopting a new rule related to wolf management in Chapter 220-440 WAC is to 1) establish procedure for identifying WDFW expectations for use of non-lethal tools to mitigate wolf-livestock conflict in areas of chronic conflict, while recognizing the use of non-lethal tools is encouraged statewide, and 2) establish criteria for the use of WDFW’s lethal removal authority in areas of chronic wolf-livestock conflict.